Attendance Information

Consistent attendance demonstrates to children the importance of something. Instilling this quality into a child’s mind is good thing.


It is the parent’s responsibility to report each and every absence. Please call or email ( prior to 4:00PM the day of your class. Please provide the student’s name and SB class.


Regular SB Session participation is necessary to achieve the best possible developmental results for every student. This policy statement has been created to encourage good attendance and to discourage tardiness. Our goal is to maximize every student’s opportunity during each session possible. Attendance is the responsibility of parents with some help from the students if possible. 


Being on time is a life skill important to each student’s future, and Small Ballers’ shares the responsibility to teach the importance of this skill. Lateness of individual students interrupts instructional time for all students. Promptness to class allows the teachers to begin the instruction on time for everyone. Lateness to class is defined as not being physically in the room at start of each session.

Student’s Catchup

Ideally students will attend each session, on time and participate fully. It is the hopes of the SB Instructors that the student will also be filled with enthusiasm coming into class. If a student has been absent the staff will get the classes moving forward together in the regular exercises and then catch that student up. 

Administrator’s & Instructors Responsibilities

  • To review the attendance of students to ensure each student is on par with the progression of the class
  • To take appropriate steps, to insure that students are always caught up if missed
  • To be on time to each and every session they are instructing
  • To have a contingency plan in place in case of emergency and they cannot attend to allow for class to continue
  • To ensure and remind that being absent does not mean you are no longer part and once back to remind others of the absentee and that we are excited to see them back!