Mighty Ballers

Ages 8 - 12 Years

Natural movement and coordination skills are apparent at this stage in development and more is learned through the program in Team/Group exercises.

Mighty Ballers
Small Ballers: Bee Bopolula


As kids move into 8-12 years of age more independent know how and comprehension generally starts to develop.

This age dynamic becomes more fluid and natural in general and more complex game/sport play movements.

This age group will participate more in team and group exercises than younger groups as they are more advanced. 

Proactive and positive reinforcement on what they learn, along with repetition of learning really enabled them to confidently participate and be part of the group. 

If you’re ready for more info, or you just have a question click Email Us Now. 

Individualized & Group Focus

Our  program includes:

Small Ballers: Mighty Ballers
Small Ballers Summer Camp Bradford
Team/Group Play

Mighty Ballers Specifics

Children at this point in life, between 8-12, can definately vary in maturity, size and coordination. We try to incorporate all levels into exercises by teaming up weaker and stronger and so on. This method equips the children with tools of understanding, how to work together regardless of who is more advanced or not and to the common goal together. 

Skill levels in all sports and activities vary as we know. Mighty Ballers, being the older group, will be able to play more uniform games and build on these team /group exercises.

Signature practices

Evolving as they have grown, classes focus on primary individual to team exercises coupled with new learning each class.

Small Ballers